She brought out ... "the cap" ....NO no not "the clap" ... the cap. I'd never been "capped" before although i had rarely seen it done to others. It looked kinda like a rain bonnet ... or a babushka ... or one of those Amish head-coverings (as she put it) only it was riddled with these tiny holes..
I thought it looked more like one of my grandma's plastic rain caps ... sorta like the ones you see the guys wearing in the Monty Python skits .
So anyway there I sit in the chair, a giant plastic bag over my head waiting to see what comes next. My stylist now comes at me wielding an instrument ... it looks sharp ... its a stick with a tiny hook on the end. This she explains will punch through the holes in the cap and she will draw the tiny sections of hair through the cap so that they can be colored.
She then starts to poke the hook through the hat on the sides pulling tiny chunks of hair through the holes. The first one is mildly uncomfortable ... like when you pull your ponytail too tight . She begins to go faster ... and it starts to hurt worse ... my eyes are tearing up as with each pull of the hook i feel like chunks of my hair are being forcibly removed from my scalp. And she's being gentle ....since the cap is jammed on my head as the hook grasps the hair it is in effect knotted upon itself under the hat before the tension releases through the hole in the hood.
anyway the short part of the rest of the story is that she colored my hair and it looks fabu... but I'm still gonna try to avoid the cap if i can help it ...
Yeah... the cap sucks ass.