Thursday, July 9, 2009

Birfdays !

Well this year I turn 36. I don't feel 36 ...i still feel well close to 25 and the realization that I'm not 25 would throw some women into depression, but not me.
I find this year to be quite a puzzle in how I feel a mish-mash of emotions.
I feel a bit nostalgic for birthday's past ..the first birthday I spent with Ash, Amanda , Tonee and Steve at Zios, the year Vance and Amy threw a huge pool party in K.C. , even the "Mexican " fiesta birthday I got to have when I was about 8. In my family birthdays were celebrated off and on. When you were younger had parties and friends and as you got older your friends started holding parties out of the house for you.
I also feel a bit sad as the realization that I am getting "old" physically and the picking thought at the back of my mind about that whole biological clock thing is there.
I also wonder when my morning routine will turn into snap -crackle -pop. So far the only side effects I have noticed is just having to take a bit longer to stretch out the stiffness of the muscles from being inactive.
I wonder if this year will bring romantic love that works into my life instead of my fanciful flights I tend to take. If it doesn't I know that it isn't the end of the world ...even if sometimes I make it out to be.
In general though I like my birthdays. I don't moan about them or try to forget them.
I always go to work if it's during a weekday because I like to do my partying at night. I can't wait to see what the day holds. Some people look at January 1st as their new year. I tend to look at my birthday as the start of a new year. Looking back I've come so far and I know I have a long long way to go and a lot of good friends to walk down the path with me.

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