Well today I have reached a great milestone with all my training I am now down to 152lbs and it feels awesome! Was having a conversation with my Bliss girl the other day about how our /"spare tires:" are kind of a sheild from intense emotions. The past few months I have been going through old things I have kept around as objects are powerful memory triggers for me. Exploring and really looking at the emotions associated with the items (good and bad) has really enlightened me on a few things about my emotional and mental perspective. All of these have been incredibly uplifting , a little hard at times but the end result is that I am really letting a lot of things go or changing them into something else. I am proud to say I have gifted things to others who can use or need them more than I do right now and the feeling is very liberating.
I also realize since we are halfway through 2010 that its a good time to revisit my affirmations for the year. Put myself back to center and reface the goal. So here goes :
I am not a victim and I will stop acting like one and be assertive.
I am not your "dumping ground" for problems I will support you as you work through them but I will not "own " them.
I will put myself first because If I don't take care of myself I can't help anyone else.
I am not "your toy" "your backup girl" "your holla back girl" and will not accept being treated as such .
I am a smart, beautiful , intelligent woman and deserve to be treasured by a partner who is starstruck to be with me.
I will make responsible purchases and prepare for my future --because I have to take care of myself and not expect anyone else to do it for me.
I am a good and loyal friend who considers my friends part of my family .
I will cut out of my life things and people that make me feel bad, useless and ashamed of who I am and what I feel.
I will work on being healthy and fit and realize that once this is achieved the weight will come off.
I will look at my past and strive not to repeat mistakes I have made but to learn from them and change my behavior to what I want it to be.
and lastly just for fun ....In 2010 I will get back in a string bikini and I will rock it !
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